Klik & Play Updater ******************* This disk will update a USA version of Klik & Play. The version of Klik & Play must be stored on a hard disk for the updater to work. CD Owners ********* If you have the CD version of Klik & Play you must have it installed as either "Normal" or "Full" installation. So if it's currently installed as "Minimal" you will have to first re-run the set-up program and re-install before using this updater. Unfortunately it's impossible for the updater to update and change a CD. Before updating *************** Make sure you don't have more copies of "KNPS.DLL" and "KNPG.DLL" on your hard disk. They should only exist in the "Windows" or "Windows\System" directories. If you do locate more copies, delete them and then run the updater. How to Update ************* 1. Boot your PC in the normal way. 2. Load Windows. 3. Select "Run" from the Windows Program Manager "File" menu. 4. Type in: update.exe (Be sure to include the path, if necessary) 5. You'll now be presented with the updater main screen. 6. Click OK to update or Cancel to quit. 7. The Updater will quickly update your copy of Klik & Play. The files updated are: Klik & Play directory --------------------- KNP.EXE KNPRES.DLL KNPSA.BIN KNPSAS.BIN KNPRO.DLL (Developer & Shareware versions only) KNPSAD.BIN (Developer & Shareware versions only) Windows[\system] directory -------------------------- KNPS.DLL KNPG.DLL What are the changes? ********************* Since the release of Klik & Play a number of small problems have been reported. We've cleaned up Klik & Play and sorted out these problems. An option has been added to allow games to be run speed-independant. This means that games run on fast PC will run at the same speed on a slow PC. It does this by updating the screen less frequently. To activate this feature, add a static active object to every level that you want running this way. It's best to position the object outside of the visible playfield. And you must name the object "Machine Independant On" - do this using the Edit name and icon option. Richard Vanner Klik & Play Project Manager 23rd April 1995 Bugs and Other Problems Fixed in Version 1.1y: ********************* If your TEMP directory is set to C:\ (or D:\), then the temporary files are sometimes not removed. Save on floppy drive + remove floppy disk => cannot access to any drive until the floppy is back in A: When playing a game, if you press F5 2 times when the window is maximised, the window doesn't return to its maximised state. Crash when you edit user animation names. Garbage when playing FLC files having an odd width. "Subtract" is spelled wrong ("Substract"). Bug during KNPS initialization in 16 color mode on some video cards: SETUP and K&P refuse to start, nothing happens, no error message. Go to the picture editor. Put size of X coordinate to a minus number: Crash. Go to Resize Zoom, select 0% resizing, get "out of memory error." Put Romeo on the playfield, create a new Romeo 2, modify its movement, restore this movement to its original value, delete Romeo 2 and try to edit the original Romeo: crash. Pick an object from a multi-level game, click on an object, display the objects of another level (using the buttons "Previous Level" and "Next level") and click on an object: the images of the first object are not removed from the game. Crash when you copy to the clipboard objects from a game where there are more fonts than pictures. Crash if a condition "repeat x times" has no action and is not the last condition of the event editor. Bug in Event Editor: Crash when more than 512 events. The limit is now 1024 events (not fixed, but happens less often). This limit cannot be increased. Crash when add a PCX true color file to the Storyboard Editor Problem when importing BMP true color files: the Red and Blue components were inverted. Message "disk full" when converting a true color game in 256 color mode. Crash if you move an event when there are many events. Crash under Windows 95, when KNPS.DLL starts. Crash sometimes under Windows 95 when displaying a text. Files not closed when pasting storyboard frames. Message "disk full" when loading a game if not enough disk space on drive C, even if the temporary directory is on another drive. The hidden objects are not displayed at game start. Platform movement: the direction doesn't change during a jump. Platform movement: does not stick when the character jumps under an obstacle. New feature: a level can be made "machine speed independant" by adding a special object outside of the playfield. This object is a static active object and MUST BE NAMED "Machine Independant On". The maximum number of ladders displayed on the screen has been increased from 64 to 256. Select several text objects, edit one of them, change its color then select "All" from the "Modify Object" dialog: all text objects have the texts of the edited object. Select several text objects, edit one of them, change its alignment, then select "All" from the "Modify Object" dialog: only the edited object changes. Screen was corrupted when you drag a box around storyboard frames. You can now change the speed of a path movement (when a game is running). You can now change the position of a path movement (when a game is running). Bug in the object's icon creation (for objects that are very wide and not very high). Key values change when a dialog box (Player controls, About, etc...) is opened during a FLI animation... Ignore control on mouse-controlled player -> Crash. Crash sometimes at the very start of KNP on non segmented video cards (S3 964). Paste a storybaord frame crashes if the frame is a picture or an animation and has music.